8-10 slices Black Forest ham, 450 g whole monkfish, 100 g minced fish, 12 boiled white asparagus spears, 150 g broad beans, 150 g fresh morels, beurre noisette, a little olive oil, salt, pepperSherry sauce: 2 dessert spoons shallots, cubed,100 ml dry sherry, ¼ l cream, morel stalks, 3 dessert spoons cold butter, 4 dessert spoons whipped cream
Lay the ham flat and cover with the minced fish.Season the monkfish with salt and pepper and roll in the Black Forest ham. Cut the roulade into even slices and grill for approx. 6-8 minutes. Gently fry the morels coved in beurre noisette, season with salt and pepper.Arrange the vegetables and morels. Place the monkfish medallions on them and drizzle the sherry sauce over them.Sherry sauce: Sauté the morel stalks in butter with the shallots and quench with the sherry, boil together, add the cream, leave to boil for 5 minutes, pass through a sieve and stir in the pieces of cold butter. Season to taste and fold in the whipped cream.
Recipe from Herbert Wieser, Restaurant Erbprinz, Ettlingen